Monday, July 28, 2014

How Disease Occurs: From a Spiritual Standpoint

Today we humans fear disease and try to avoid it at all costs. Using medication, remedies, anything we can get our hands on physically to mentally convince ourselves that we are being healed. While all along disease is actually caused by some break in the harmony of our own mental well-being (which stems from physical well-being). Now, obviously that's not the scientific source of illness and we know that these micro-organisms called bacteria are the main cause of things like strep throat or the flu. But these can be prevented by simply being at ease with yourself. If your body is compromised, say by malnutrition then you automatically become more prone to disease. But when you are in perfect health because of your diet and exercise, then you are at the first step to being immune. If you believe that you are open to disease and that you can be affected by it, then so it shall be. If you start to feel a soreness in your throat and you let it consume you and give in to "being sick" then you shall feel sick. On the other hand if you start feeling a soreness in your throat and you think: I'm perfectly healthy all I need is some water [or some food ]. Then your body will be at ease. The old saying; "Mind over matter"... yup it works.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

What we need to do in order to become sustainable

Sustainability is a huge topic now a days, especially with the rising prices of oil and other non renewable resources. Eventually the matter we rely on so heavily will run out. This we know is inevitable. If we continue on this linear path of destructive creation, we may never make the breakthroughs and progress we so long for. For example, one of the most popular and imperative inventions of modern society is the automobile. The internal combustion engine is destructive in itself. But not many people think about how we are doing so much 'using' but not at all 'replacing'. Even one of the most simple recreations such as a fire is destructive. We are taking something dead and destroying it completely. Heck, we can't even get rid of the things we've already 'used'. Our landfills are evidence of it but that's not even the real problem. If we could only use things to our advantage without having to destroy them...